In general template represents set of sheets with markers. The quantity of sheets is unlimited. System sheets (sheets with special names) are easy-to-use for editing the template. System sheets may be remote from final report.

Present Layer

Unsystematic sheet. Usually it`s the main report sheet

Data Layer

Unsystematic sheet. Usually it`s chart data sheet on the main report sheet

Ranges Layer

Unsystematic sheet. This sheet is used for integrating named cells areas


Systematic sheet. This sheet is intended for saving report chart example-data


Systematic sheet. This sheet is intended for demonstrating the main sheet example


Systematic sheet. This sheet is intended for saving all line source markers


Systematic sheet. This sheet is intended for saving text data



Systematic sheet. This sheet is used for saving marker group cache. Use it in cache only. Using it in template results in error


Systematic sheet. This sheet is used for saving grouping of table marker cache. Use it in cache only. Using it in template results in error


Systematic sheet. This sheet is used for saving chart description marker cache. Use it in cache only. Using it in template results in error

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